Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Scariest Egg Dish Ever! (My Ignorant Westerner Post)

As you probably know...I love eggs.  Love them.  Everything about them.

What you might not know is that I also pride myself as being a huge foodie, food tourist, and adventurous eater.  I live by the motto: try everything at least once.

I also looooooove ducks - not only are they very cute with their little quacks and spastic flapping when flying, but super ridiculously tasty.

NOW.  With that being said, there are a few dishes that make my stomach turn at just the thought of them.  Perhaps one day, I'll suck it up (HA!) and try them, but in the meantime...I try to avoid.

One such dish from the Philippines is balut.  Seriously, I don't know how they do it.

Starts off innocent enough - take some duck (sometimes chicken) eggs and cook them.  Tasty, right?

NO!  It's a 17-21 days old, partially developed bird fetus!  It's not even a vague sense of development and shape - IT LOOKS LIKE A DUCK.
from Philippines Food Recipes blog

Essentially, balut is street food.  Here's how it's *enjoyed*:

1. Crack tip of egg enough to make a small hole so you can suck out the juices.


2. Open up the egg some more, add a pinch of salt, and CHOMP!


Yes, it is very intense if you're not used to it (which I am definitely not).  But, it's part of another country's culture and cuisine, just as hamburgers are part of ours.  Perhaps one day I'll try belut, then I'd get this shirt:

Monday, April 9, 2012

My (late) Easter Egg Post

Soooo yes, I'm a little late.  Only one hour EST.  Not too bad...

Anyway!  Etsy.  Yes, Etsy.  I love Etsy (even though I've never bought anything from it); MANY people love Etsy (and they probably have bought things from it).  For those who do not know what exactly it is, Etsy is essentially the more creative cousin of Ebay (if you don't know what that is, sans auctioning.  If you don't know what Ebay is, Google it.  Etsy is a global market for people to sell goods that they have created, collected, etc.  It's fair to say that it's a bit more slanted to the Wes Anderson movie subculture...but that isn't necessarily a bad thing (sometimes...)!

Etsy, in their cute, crafty, Royal Tenenbaums-esque glory have posted two blogs that showed different ways of decorating Easter eggs.  And since I LOVE decorated eggs, I had to share pretty much them all.  Even if Easter is officially over.  Whatever.  Save these ideas for next year.  Or tomorrow.

From the website Orange Kitty Crafts:

Pointillism (never even HEARD of that!) and Origami Decoupage Easter eggs (and how to do them!)

LOVE the simplicity of them!

Next, we have even more Easter egg suggestions from the blog, Papersnitch:
Decoupage eggs
Neon dip eggs
Leaf print eggs

Polka dot Easter eggs

So many great ideas, why wait for Easter?

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The (Other) Easter Egg

Easter is right around the corner, and a post about Easter eggs would be most fitting....but this isn't about those types of Easter eggs.  I'm talking about those awesome intentional hidden messages or images found in everything from movies, games, software, music, websites, books, art, and crosswords.  It easily parallels the idea of the Easter egg hunt, as well as the hidden surprises found in the famous Faberge eggs.

Here are some examples of well known Easter eggs:

Microsoft Word 97
1. Open a new document 

2. Type "Blue" 
3. Select word 
4. Go to Format -> Font 
5. Choose Font Style Bold, Color Blue 
6. Type " " (space) after word "Blue" 
7. Go to Help -> About 
8. Ctrl-Shift-Left click the Word icon/banner 
9. Use Z for left flipper, M for right flipper, and ESC to exit 
10. Discover what Microsoft means by "Productivity Application"

That awful fourth Indiana Jones movie poster...look carefully at the space between the skull's eyes
An alien?!  Was it perhaps the poster artists trying to warn us away from seeing an Indiana Jones movie with ALIENS??  I think maybe...

One of the coolest Easter eggs of them all...from the iconic Silence of the Lambs movie, look closely at that moth...
Just some pretty markings on its back, right?  
Phillippe Halsman's photograph of Salvador Dali and some naked ladies.  MIND BLOWN.  

Leonardo Da Vinci's secret music score in The Last Supper


Don't believe me?

Alfred Hitchcock's cameo appearances in all of his movies