Thursday, March 31, 2011

Screw dying...

as in Easter egg dying. 

Forostyuk Inna, a Ukranian artist, did these mind blowing cross-stitches instead.  No idea how, but if you scroll down to the comment section, there are some decent "maybe" suggestions. 

Another egg artist is retired Slovenian electrician, Franc Grom, who painstakingly pokes as many as 17,000 holes into goose eggs using an electrical drill to replicate traditional Slovenian designs.  Holey awesome! (haaaaaaa.....)

Seriously, amazing stuff.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

egg basics 101

“I have had, in my time, memorable meals of scrambled eggs with fresh truffles, scrambled eggs with caviar and other glamorous things, but to me, there are few things as magnificent as scrambled eggs, pure and simple, perfectly cooked and perfectly seasoned.”  - James Beard

There is something to be said about a perfectly cooked, ungarnished/untarnished egg.  The question is:  how do you achieve such an egg?  Well, if you need help cooking an egg, this link is for you. 

From, this post covers eggs done sunny side up, over easy, hard boiled, soft boiled, and poached, all with excellent and delectable looking photos.  


"What?? No egg fanatic sites??"

Perhaps I just did not do a sufficient enough search for proper egg fan sites. Or perhaps I am the only one that thinks eggs are the ideal synthesis of naturally occurring beauty, are scientifically fascinating, and are absol
utely delicious?

I strongly doubt this.

That is why, dear reader, I have created this oddball blog: to share my love of eggs with the rest of the world. I know I am not alone, that there are other "ovofeliacs" out there. So, whether you are fascinated by the shape of eggs, the biological aspect of eggs, eggs used in art, or eggs used in global recipes, I welcome you to my new blog and hope you will get as much joy out of it as I hopefully will.